Tuesday, August 10, 2010

How To Make a Smoke Bomb:

I have not tried this particular method myself and don't personally know anyone who has. Build this at your own risk.
Warning: Even Simple Homemade Bombs, Incendiary Devices, Explosives, and Homemade Fireworks, Flamethrowers, etc. are illegal in the United States unless you have a federal license.

This post is strictly for informational purposes only.
Source. The Internet

How to Make a Smoke Bomb

Items Needed:
1) A Double Boiler.
This is a saucepan with a second saucepan that sits inside it. You put water in the bottom pan and it heats whatever you put in the top pan gently, minimizing risk of fire.
2) A Hot Plate.
You need to cook this outside because of possibility of fire.
3) Saltpeter
Potassium Nitrate - generally an unrestricted chemical available at some local drug stores, some health food stores, and over the Internet. Used as a salt substitute and food additive, ingestion over time may cause temporary impotence!
5)White-tip strike-anywhere Matches.
6)Small Containers, such as the bottom half of a soda can.

With the double boiler on the hotplate on low, heat 4 parts potassium nitrate to 6 parts of sugar, stirring constantly, until it reaches a Carmel color and consistency. Quickly spoon the mixture into the containers, and insert a cluster of 4 or 5 matches until just the heads are exposed. The mixture will dry hard quickly.

To use, strike a match against the exposed match heads and quickly drop or toss the homemade smoke grenade. Better yet, set it down and light it and get the hell away.
A pound of this mixture will cover the better part of a city block with thick, non-toxic, Carmel smelling white smoke.

This mixture burns very hot and very fast!
The can it's in will be burned to ash by the fire!
DO NOT hold in hand!
This mixture can start brush fires very quickly if you aren't careful! Bring a fire extinguisher just in case!
Do not attempt to make or use if home made fireworks are prohibited in your area! Also new rules pertaining to these and other devices have been enacted since 911.

That being said, This is a fireworks recipe that has been published numerous times from different sources including the Internet.

Note: Several people have emailed me again about posting homemade weapons, explosives, etc. Once again, I have no knowledge of how to make these myself. I strongly advise against trying to make any type of homemade weapon or explosive.
Saying, that it is always good in today's crazy ass world to be able to identify such a device if you would happen to come across one and then would know not to touch it and call the proper authorities for safe disposal.

Do you have a Weapon or Firearm you would like to share with the readers here? Please send the photo pictures, video, or video link to me via email and I will post it.
Remember to give proper credit to the owner if the item is not yours.

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