Sunday, September 3, 2006

Very First Knuckle Duster (Made in 1998)

WeaponCollector's Very First Knuckle Duster - My very first one piece four finger Knuckle Duster, although not my first ever, but my first of this kind, made in 1998 or around that time, although they could be even older.
It has a very crude finish and was once painted black, the design was copied from the standard traditional knuckle dusters that are sold all around the world,
Although its looks are not great this is a very well fitting and comfortable knuckle duster and would work fine if used.
The size for this Knuckle Duster is small to medium hands, and would not fit large hands, Features oval finger holes and a curved palm rest and round striking surfaces.
Weight is low due it to its thickness and being made of aluminium.
Features no makers marks but was made by the same person who makes most of my other knuckle dusters.
A very sentimental piece and one I would like to keep for a long time and maybe pass it on to a relative.

Dimensions - 110mm wide, 70mm high, 6mm thick, Finger holes are 24mm wide and 32mm high.

Please leave a comment letting me know what you think! Thanks.

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