Wednesday, June 23, 2010

NV Senate candidate Sharron Angle also deserves gun owner support

Sharron Angle - Nevada Senate Candidate - Interesting article - Here is one excerpt:

Do you believe that the Constitution is the "supreme law of the land" and that the Bill of Rights acknowledges our birthrights?

SA: Yes. I believe that the Constitution insures our inalienable rights and that the Bill of Rights is an inseparable component of the Constitution. I have been to court four times in defense of the Constitution. I have been to the Supreme Court of Nevada and to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals as well as the United States Supreme Court defending the Constitution. The Claremont Institute gave me the Reagan Medallion for the 2003 Ronald Reagan Freedom Award for Courageous Client. Dr. John Eastman and Ed Meese were the attorneys for my case, Angle v Guinn, against the Governor of Nevada who sued the Legislature to make us disregard the Constitution and our oath of office to defend the Constitution by raising taxes without the Constitutionally required 2/3 majority vote of the Legislature.

Read more here .....

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