This manual is for people interested in shooting the Hi Power pistol. It does not get into collecting nor cover rare, non-catalogued versions of FN's most widely sold military pistol. Though there is a brief section on the gun's history, the manual is for users.
The book is directed primarily at 9mm Hi Powers, but there is some data and discussion on .40 S&W Hi Powers too. There are average velocities based on 10-shot averages from both a standard length Hi Power and a Competition Model in the 9mm Chronography section, as well as some for the forty-caliber fired from a Mk III Hi Power. In Ammunition Observations and the Browning Hi Power, there is considerable discussion concerning general purpose, standard pressure, as well as +P and +P+ ammunition. Forged vs. Cast Frames are covered as is The Custom Hi Power with a long FAQ section. There are many other topics in the manual and a section in which the Hi Power is compared to the three pistols I see as its main competitors. How to clean and disassemble the pistol is covered (magazines too), and its defensive applications are discussed. In short, it's a manual on the gun for people really wanting to "learn" it. The book is based on over 30 years' of using this fine pistol. Numerous B&W photographs accompany the text.
Cost: 8 1/2" x 11" (94 pages of text) $19.95 + $5.00 S&H (USD) - lays flat, larger photos, spiral bound (NOT hard cover)
Trade Manual Size Paperback (135 pages of text) $14.95 + $3.00 S&H (USD)
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Hi Power Disassembly Guide
Each page is completely heat-laminated so that the guide can be used in the gunroom without the fear of oily fingers ruining the pages. It's bound in the upper left corner with a removable 3/4" steel book ring to keep the pages together. There are 37color photographs.
Cost: $10.00 + $2.00 S&H (US)
Shown is the paperback cover.
This book is primarily focused on suggestions of what gun to shoot and is not aimed at tactics and techniques. While somewhat humorous in places, serious information is provided and many questions are answered. There are numerous B&W photographs throughout the book.
This book provides information to help the reader in the judicious selection of the handgun for either lawful concealed carry or home defense. Topics discussed range from action types and their respective strengths and weaknesses to "stopping power" and shooting impressions of handguns from snub revolvers to the larger calibers. Other sections cover car guns and handguns for home protection. Mental aspects, customization suggestions, sights, and auxiliary equipment are included. Holster selection is heavily discussed from two holster makers as well as a fellow who's tried them all.
Levels of commitment are discussed, and real life shootings and their outcomes are included as well. This book provides essential information for the newer shooter or person deciding to take responsibility for his own safety. At the same time, I've tried hard to make it interesting and of use to the more experienced defensive handgunner. This material is based on 25 years of carrying a defensive handgun from a peace officer's perspective, both on and off-duty. I have shared my observations as both a police firearms instructor and a concealed handgun license instructor for the State of Texas.
Cost: 8 1/2" x 11" (134 pages of text) $22.95 + $5.00 S&H - lays flat, larger photos, spiral bound (NOT hard cover)
Trade Manual Size Paperback (203 pages of text) $16.95 + $3.00 S&H (US)
Email me for S&H charges outside the US.
Shown is the paperback cover.
This book is not a primer for gunsmiths, nor does it cover race guns or double stacks. The book focuses heavily on the .45 ACP 1911 in the usual 5" versions, but does discuss Commander-style versions, compacts, and long slides. Because of the input I received, 9mm, .38 Super, and 10mm 1911's are included and evaluated.
This book is intended to show the new owner or prospective owner of the 1911 what he might expect from the various 1911's on today's market. Everything from ammunition selection, springs, maintenance, to barrels and bushings is discussed. Comments are made on virtually each component to this classic design. Comments and opinions are included from various gunsmiths and shooters of the 1911.
Range evaluations are provided for numerous makes and models of this timeless pistol.
It was necessary to go to 10-point font and narrow the margins to be able to keep the book within page limitations and trust me, it is full! The actual word count is nearly 3 times that of The Shooter's Guide to the Browning Hi Power.
In the trade manual paperback there are 251 pages with 157 B&W photographs and 22 tables to aid the reader. This version measures approximately 5 1/2 x 8 1/2". The larger format 8 1/2 x 11" spiral-bound book has 164 pages and is also in 10-point font. Either version contains the same information. Pictures are a little smaller in the paperback, and the larger book will lay flat. The large one IS NOT a hard cover book.
The Shooter's Guide to the 1911 Pattern Pistol is easy to understand and written as one shooter would talk with another.
Price: 5 1/2 x 8 1/2": $17.95 + $3 S&H (USD)
8 1/2 x 11": $24.95 + $5 S&H (USD)
Email for S&H charges outside the US.
9mm Ammunition Tests: The Shooter's Guide to Ammunition for the Browning Hi Power
Paperback cover shown.
Where The Shooter's Guide to the Browning Hi Power focuses on the gun with mention of a few rounds that have "worked" over the years for me, 9mm Ammunition Tests: The Shooter's Guide to Ammunition for the Browning Hi Power focuses on ammo fired through the Hi Power.
The reader is provided with a detailed look at 12 brands of FMJ ammunition in 115, 124, and 147-gr weights for use at the range. Each is discussed with regard to reliability and accuracy. How well they did or didn't do with factory magazines, Inglis mags, as well as KRD and Pro Mags is discussed for each round tested. Actual chronographed velocities with each load are given along with extreme spreads and standard deviations. Each load was fired through two Browning Mk III Hi Powers. Physical dimensions for each round are provided as well.
Twenty-five expanding high-performance loads are also discussed. These range in weight from the new 50-gr RBCD Tactical, Aguila 65-gr IQ, 80-gr Glaser Silver, and 95-gr PMC Starfire right on through the 115 and 124-gr bullets and the 147-gr JHPs. Ammo from Corbon, Triton, Remington, Sellier & Bellot, Magtech, Winchester, Federal, and Speer are included. The same information given for the "range ammo" is provided for these rounds along with expansion characteristics when fired into water and super-saturated newsprint ("wet pack").
There is a discussion on "if reloading is for you". Various stopping power theories are given, but there is no attempt to "force" any upon the reader.
Discussion on what I've personally seen certain 9mm loads do in the hunting field are described, and "anecdotal" information on human aggressors hit with some loads is presented. This work is intended as the companion book for The Shooter's Guide to the Browning Hi Power.
Cost: 8 1/2" x 11" (107 pages of text) $19.95 + $5.00 S&H - lays flat, larger photos, spiral bound (NOT hard cover)
Trade Manual Size Paperback (159 pages of text) $14.95 + $3.00 S&H (USD)
Email me for S&H charges outside the US.
Paid in Full (A Novel of Revenge)
How long can decent people remain law-abiding when a corrupt legal system refuses to provide any measure of protection from a south Texas criminal and his sadistic son? With justice denied, how long before revenge and murder become acceptable substitutes and the gun replaces the gavel?
Meet Benjamin Isaac Tauber, naturalized American citizen, gentleman and former Israeli Special Forces soldier. How long can he stand by and see his friends tormented, tortured or shot at the whim of south Texas crime entrepreneur Ralph Westerhaus? How long can he survive attempts on his own life?
Some debts require blood payment with the rate of exchange determined by body count, but as Tauber prepares to collect, the unexpected happens. Like a dark night's unpredicted cold wind, an unseen malevolent presence invades Will Wright County.
Will this presence damn Tauber…or provide his deliverance from evil?
The book is paperback and trade manual size, approximately 5 1/2 x 8 1/2" and has 351 pages in 10-pitch font. Word count is 159,402, a bit longer than most similarly priced works of fiction. It is written for shooters by a shooter. Many of us might have had thoughts of revenge, but never carried them out. Benjamin Tauber does.
Price: $12.00 + $2.00 S&H (Sorry, but I cannot apply the dollar off per book for shipping on this one unless you order 3 or more.)
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